An interesting thing is the numbered cards. At any rate, it is an unbelievably popular penalty, but it is one of the least understood. There is a common misconception that marked cards inherently indicate that a player is cheating and that anyone with marked cards on their deck, all of which are miles from reality, will be disqualified from the event.
As anybody interested in identifying marked cards, penalizing marked cards, and prosecuting marked card cases, most people have spent a great deal of time trying to educate themselves. This article is written to help players understand the examples and penalties of marked cards and help you avoid some of the most common culprits.
What is a marked card?
A marked card is a card that can be separated from the rest of the desk, either from any side of the deck as a whole or from its location at the top of the library. If the players themselves do not note them, they are picked up by judges when deck tests are carried out at tournaments. A lot of people buy marked cards from Marked Cards Shop.
First of all, it is important to remember that judges do not merely look at the back of the cards when reviewing the deck. Players often look at the entire main deck and sideboard, from all perspectives, as cards could be used to control the sequence of cards in the deck when scrambling when intentionally numbered. Below are the most common examples of marked cards:
- Sleeve differences between the sideboard and main deck sleeves.
- Foil cards, which are easy to pick out of a deck and appear to bend.
- Dirt or general wear or tear on the backs of the sleeves
- Bent or split-sleeve edges.
- Cards in the sleeves are not ultimately forced down, and the edges are also visible from the top.
“Will I be disqualified if my cards were marked?”
It depends.
The first thing we do when judges meet numbered cards looks at which ones are marked. For example, we do this to try to decide whether there is a trend for them for all sideboard cards or all nations. The judge would probably agree that there is no trend present, give you a notice for marked cards, and ask you to address the issue by resleeving your deck if any of your sleeves are broken at the corners, and it is a simple land and two distinct creatures.
However, that does not necessarily mean you will be disqualified. Maybe, in this case, you borrowed them from a friend and bought a pack of the same sleeves from the store to put them in without noticing that the batch’s shade was slightly different. Ask a lot of questions, and the head judge would inquire accordingly. If it is found to be an innocent error due to the existence of a pattern, you will be given a Game Loss and asked to rectify it through the above steps. If the judge decides after reviewing that the cards have been made purposely recognizable, you will be excluded for Unsporting Conduct-Cheating.
But if everyone is okay with it, you can use marked cards for your advantage – buy one, visit our website.